Céline Sircard

After years of working in the corporate world as an Agronomist, Céline Sicard (who operates under the pseudonym Collectif 1.5) changed course completely: her need to reconnect with the creative world, which she had come to know through ephemeral land art competitions, became stronger.

After 2 years of training and artistic research, she set up her business in 2020 on the Côte d’Azur in France. From then on, the earth and plants she used to study became the raw materials for two ancestral arts that she decided to combine: ceramics and basketry. Her work explores the vast field of human and animal masks. She revisits and transforms these ritual or utilitarian objects, which have been present in all cultures for centuries. Drawing on her travels and experiences, she recreates a universe that arouses the viewer’s curiosity: her diverse sources of inspiration collide in her works to bring out their poetic, playful or modernist side.

Since the beginning of her artistic activity, the artist’s works have been exhibited internationally in France, Italy, Greece and the United States.