Jiwun Jeong

Jiwun Jeong, visual artist, was born and raised at South Korea. She currently lives and works in Paris. She came to France after graduating from art school at Seoul specializing in painting. In France She finished her studies in fine art at ESAAIX. Then recently she relocated to Paris.

She explores the reciprocal influence of the environment and individuals. What she seeks to embody is the invisible, implicit energy or principles that each place, environment, and culture possess. This interest in these social dynamics stems from curiosity about how individuals are shaped. ( Her current lifestyle of living in two very different cultures is also closely related to this theme. )

She does not limit herself to a specific media but rather enjoys working in mixed formats, experimenting with new approaches. Her current project is to build an interactive web site using the photos she took in everyday life. Until now, she has participated in several group exhibitions, most in France. And she’s also planned to have a first group exhibition in South Korea next year.