Lucy Lo Rasche
Lucy Lo Rasche is an artist hailing from Shanghai and currently based in Switzerland.
Having been immersed in Chinese brush painting from early life, Rasche’s current focus is on oil painting. Her work is a representation of her life journey in various cultural environments and centers on human interaction and philosophy. As a student of the Chinese abstract brush painting master, Cao Yong Ping, Rasche’s work embraces and applies Chinese expressive choreographic strokes into her oil painting with the Chinese spirit of ‘You Xiu You Shi’ ( the harmony of abstract and realism). Her work is expressive and full of emotions and compassion, capturing the spirits of her subjects.
As an artist who has lived in and experienced multiple countries and cultures, Rasche is particularly interested in how human beings’ existence and experience is influenced by environmental factors, such as culture, society, values, personal relationships….and how they in turn respond inside and thus influence others and events. We have very different choices to process external events, and already the perception of “objective facts” or “reality” is based on the perspective of the individual. This subjective assignment of meaning, which underlies an individual’s emotional and practical reactions evolves throughout life. This stays at the heart of Rasche’s art through a wide variety of work.
“Poetic expressiveness” permeates her most recent work, takes us on a journey and leaves space for our own thoughts and interpretations to wander beyond what we see. Reality and imagination connect, and symbolism invites many associations.
3.800,00 € IVA NO INCLUIDOHome Coming
3.800,00 € IVA NO INCLUIDO